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How is worship at Church of the Holy Spirit both ancient and modern?Our worship is both ancient and modern in that: it is grounded in the worship of scripture, patterned after the worship of the early church, and made relevant for our lives today. It is a dynamic spiritual blending that feeds the soul and lifts the spirit.
How are the Scripture readings determined?The readings used during our principle services are taken from the Revised Common Lectionary. This lectionary follows a three year cycle and uses the biblical translation of the New Revised Standard Version Bible. Our Wednesday morning service uses readings taken from the book of Lesser Feasts and Fasts of the Episcopal Church. the church office.
What are the Sermons like?Sermons at Church of the Holy Spirit are based on the message found in the Scriptures. Fr. Tom has a keen ability to help make the message relevant in our lives by making connections between life in Biblical times and life today. You can find copies of his sermons on the worship page of our website.
What is the Nicene Creed?The Nicene Creed is a statement of our shared belief in God. It offers us an ecumenical statement of faith that has been the touchstone of the Christian faith since the 4th century A.D. While it is not a complete expression of our faith, it does provide us with a starting point for understanding the Trinitarian nature of God and God's saving act through Jesus Christ.
What is Exchanging the Peace?Before the service we exchange the Peace. The practice is an ancient one and symbolically settles differences that may divide the body of Christ before receiving Holy Communion. At Church of the Holy Spirit, during this part of our service, people welcome one another by extending their hand to shake yours and wish you, "Peace of the Lord." The usual response is, "And also with you."
Will I be asked to make a Donation?Yes, there is a collection each week following the exchange of the peace. The monies collected help us do more than just pay the bills. They help us fund programs that support ministries inside and outside the parish. While the choice is yours as to whether or not to give, Scripture reminds us that all we have has been given to us as a blessing from God. We give back a portion of what we have been given as a way to say thank you and in order to further the work of the body of Christ.
What is the Eucharist, or Holy Communion?"One of two sacraments offered by the church, the Eucharist stands at the center of our worship. It is the point in our service when we remember all that Christ has done for us and a time when we approach Him to be fed and cleansed through Him. We believe it is through the reception of the consecrated bread and wine that we in some way are made holy too and that the bond between God and us is once again affirmed.
What is the Eucharist, or Holy Communion?"One of two sacraments offered by the church, the Eucharist stands at the center of our worship. It is the point in our service when we remember all that Christ has done for us and a time when we approach Him to be fed and cleansed through Him. We believe it is through the reception of the consecrated bread and wine that we in some way are made holy too and that the bond between God and us is once again affirmed.
As a Visitor can I participate in Communion?All Baptized Christians are welcome to come to the altar for communion. During communion, people are free to kneel or stand at the rail surrounding the altar. Individuals are asked to hold their hands palms up so the celebrant may place a host on your hand. Once you have received the bread, you may place it in your mouth or hold it to dip in the chalice when it is offered. If you would like to drink from the chalice, please grasp it lightly at the base and guide it to your lips. If you are not baptized and would like to participate in the Eucharist, please feel free to come forward and kneel or stand at the rail. If you cross your hands over your heart, the celebrant will then offer you a blessing in lieu of the sacrament.
Who can answer any additional questions I may have?Please feel free to ask any one of our members or you may call the church office at (402) 291-7732 and our Church Administrator will be glad to direct your questions to the person best able to field them. You can also get additional information via email using the Contact Us navigation tab on our Home Page or by emailing us at Our online events calendar is another source of information about what is happening at Church of the Holy Spirit. If you find an event that interests you, just place your cursor over the event and click on it. A screen will be displayed giving you information about the event and a contact to call if you need any further information.
How can I become a member of Church of the Holy Spirit?You may be considered a member of Church of the Holy Spirit by being confirmed or received into the parish by the bishop. If you are already an Episcopalian or an Anglican from another province in the Anglican Communion your membership can be transferred to Church of the Holy Spirit on your request. If you are a baptized member of another Christian denomination, you are asked to participate in our Confirmation/Inquirer class before being confirmed or received. An eight week Confirmation and Inquirer class is offered twice per year. For information about class dates please check out our calendar or contact the church office.
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